Until recently, critical race theory (CRT) was a concept that few Americans heard of, as it was mainly in the domain of university campuses. But as the Left has become more brazen in its attempts to radically control Americans’ thoughts, speech, and interactions with one another in society, CRT has burst wide open into our workplaces, governments, houses of worship, the military, and even our K–12 classrooms, where young minds have little chance to resist it, and parents are told it does not exist.
- Edited By: Lindsey M. Burke, PhD, Jonathan Butcher, Jay P. Greene, PhD
- Foreword By: Heritage President Kevin Roberts, PhD
- Contributors Include: Lindsey M. Burke, PhD, Jonathan Butcher, John Sibley Butler, Joshua Dunn, Max Eden, Williamson M. Evers, Craig L. Frisby, Mike Gonzalez, Jay P. Greene, PhD, Adam Kissel, Robert Maranto, Sarah Parshall Perry, Robert Pondiscio, Ian V. Rowe, Erika Sanzi, Inez Feltscher Stepman, J. Scott Turner, and Ze’ev Wurman